USB minnislyklar međ lífstíđarábyrgđ


Minnislyklar međ laser merkingu Ódýr auglýsing til margra ára


Lyklarnir fást í eftirtöldum stćrđum: 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB

Ađeins: 32 x 12 x 6 mm smáir

MICRO TWIST Lyklana er hćgt ađ laser merkja frá 5 stykkjum, hćgt er ađ mekja báđu megin og nafna merkja

Smelltu hér til ađ fá tilbođ í minnislykla

Meiri upplýsingar á ensku:

This model is also part of the new generation

USB sticks. The DEONET Micro Twist

(32 x 12 x 6 mm) is only half the size of the

common, well-known twist model and has

a solid, stylish housing made of anodised



Our Micro Twist is available in silver and black. Other colours are available on

request. This USB stick can be personalised with a laser engraving on both sides.

In spite of its small size, there is nearly as much room for an engraving on the

Micro Twist as there is on the DEONET Original. Individual engravings are possible.







USB minnislykla bćklingurinn


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        Hálsól                                    Lyklahringur

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