Músarmottur - SmartMat™ & Coaster Set / 11006SMA






Vörunúmer: LW- 11006SMA

Framleiðslutími: 5-10 dagar
Minnsta magn í pöntun: 100
Fáanlegar stærðir: Mat 200 x 200mm, 200mm Ø. Coasters 90x90mm, 90mm Ø
Þykkt: 3mm



Matching set comprising of a SmartMat™ & a pair of coasters packed together in a clear, unprinted self-seal bag. Razor sharp print and bright, colourful images. 3mm foam base with superb lay flat qualities. Due to the nature of the material some distortion with heat can occur particularly if used with plastic vending-machine cups.


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